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Cataract and Diabetes

Facts and Myths about Cataract surgery in Diabetic patients

Cataract and diabetes are closely related. Diabetic patients develop cataract little earlier than normal people and these patients needs special attention during cataract surgery because they may have other problems like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy along with cataract. These problems should be addressed and taken care before cataract surgery.

Facts and Myths about Cataract surgery in Diabetic patients

  1. Cataract surgery is not contraindicated in diabetes patients. Surgery can be done safely if FBS < 140 mg% and PPBS < 200 mg%
  2. About 60-70 % patients undergoing cataract surgery are diabetic
  3. A normal sugar report within 7 days before surgery is sufficient for surgery Sugar test on the day of surgery is not needed, rather it should not be done because high sugar report may come due to stress and apprehension for surgery
  4. Surgery should be done earlier when the patient complains of decreased vision. Soft cataracts are easily emulsified by the phaco machine. Hard Cataracts needs more energy to emulsify so it may cause retinal and corneal complications during surgery
  5. A thorough retinal examination should be done before surgery for better post op results
  6. Diabetic patients may need little longer post op medication as compared to normal patients as they have little slower healing response
  7. Patients can go for their normal morning walk 7 days after cataract surgery. Morning walk helps in better sugar control
  8. They can take head bath 7 days after cataract surgery like normal patients
  9. Yellow UV protection Intraocular Lenses (IOL) are better than normal lenses. They filter the Ultra Violet rays and protect the retina
  10. Multifocal/Trifocal Lenses are better avoided if retina is severely affected

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